Friday, December 7, 2012

Post operation

The operation went "as good as it could have gone" as our Dr. said. It was a total success. It's Fri. now and she's still sleeping a lot which is good. She got discharged thurs. afternoon. She told us last night ( to our great delight) that the pain that she's had from the tumor the last 4 years is gone. Thank you Jesus!!! Thank you for your prayers and all your giving to us.

Here's Rob's pre op picture

She did really good, she only screamed once when they put the iv in. The nurses and Dr.'s are the best, you could tell they were really concerned and did a good job of making her comfortable.

Saturday, November 10, 2012

"One If by land, two if by sea!"

The next stop on the freedom trail was the Old North Church. It's a great brick building with a strikingly white steeple, which used to be the tallest point in Boston. And that is one of the reasons why it was used as a signal to alert he colonists that the British were coming.

I saw the window that that one man (I forget his name) jumped out of when the British were trying to tear down the door. Some how picturing a man going head first out of that window seemed strange, but it happened. It's not a window any more.

It's inside is painted almost completely white, and it has a smaller yet elaborate organ up at the back with four angels depicted around it. How the angels got there is a story in itself. It all started out with a somewhat pious and definately devoted church-going pirate (strange, I know) who went regularly to the Old North Church. He was going through his latest pile of loot which he had just taken from a ship when he came over four beautifully carved angles. These angles were on their way to a Catholic Church in England before they happened to be stopped by this pirate. Being a generous Christian, this pirate decided to donate them to his church. And to this day, the Old North Church has displayed the stolen pirate treasure.

It was interesting going through and looking at the pews. If you sat down In one, remained very still and listened hard, you could almost hear the preacher in his pulpit, preaching against the English government, and could see the people in there pews nodding their heads in agreement. It was thrilling to sit where people hundreds if years ago sat. It was amazing how history came alive in that old church.

Freedom trail

Saturday morning we went out to go and explore the freedom trail. It felt so nice to be walking. It's much easier to walk than it is to drive in Boston. The freedom trail is a red, sometimes brick road going through Boston, leading you to the legendary sights from the time of the Revolutionary War.

We started about in the middle of the freedom trail, so the first place we saw was Paul Revere's house. It's a large wooden building (most of the buildings in Boston are brick) and was actually quite the house during its time (as most of you probably know, Paul Revere was a fairly wealthy silver smith ) though I don't know how it ever fit 16 children, because there are only four rooms, including he kitchen and dining room. I couldn't take pictures of the master bedroom or the kitchen ( I actually wasn't supposed to be taking pictures at all) but I did manage to take pictures of the other rooms, though there weren't that many. It's wonderfully old and almost antique. All the rooms had fire places and they are simply enormous, I got a picture of one and put it on here.

Paul Revere

We got discharged from the hospital about 1pm and hadn't eaten anything so we drove to "Legal Seafood" (really good food) restaurant and saw Paul's statue on the way.

Robyn in her new pj's

We had some unexpected news. Dr. Rosenthal told us that the nerve that controls Robyn's backward movement of her arm was to close to the tumor and he felt that the procedure that uses high temperature could permanently damage the nerve. He brought in the #1 surgeon that removes the tumor through surgery and they recommended that would be the safest plan. But that would mean it would have to be done at another time. We went ahead and made an appt. for Dec. 5.

Views from Rob's room

We're on the 12th floor waiting for the Doctors. Everyone is really nice and you can start to see why this hospital is rated #1 in the nation.

In the waiting room

As you can see, we haven't slept very much.

Mass General Hospital at 6:30 am

Right in down town Boston. What an incredible place, it's huge. All the buildings in this picture are part of the hospital, plus there are more in the back.

Salt Lake City

We switched planes in Salt Lake, this is the picture of the Salt Lake


Here we are at the airport at 4am.

Friday, November 9, 2012

We're Here

We are here, we have been trying to upload photos so its a work in progress